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Jetse Verschuren

Jetse Verschuren reached out to Ryan in January 2021 following a call for help with the technical side of getting his LabJack to function as a load cell. The first versions of the software were developed by Jetse without having the actual labjack. Not only that, but had to coach Ryan through python coding over an unreliable internet connection at the HowNOT2 lab. He not only made it super functional enough but calibrated it from 5,000 miles away! Jetse now has a duplicate of the setup, which allows him to continue development. Besides working on load cells he is also a moderator on his DISCORD, and helps out with things like the website every now and then.

Currently, he is in the Netherlands studying for his bachelor's in Technical Computer Science at the University of Twente, and working on getting his climbing instructor's license. He has a brown belt in Judo and spends (way) too much of his free time programming.

You can find him on DISCORD under @Jetse

An image of Jetse in his natural habitat


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