Walking a giant highline is very very different than a highline 300 meters or less. Here are 12 different perspectives from people who cruise across it, to people who only stood up and walked a short distance.
Sky Diamond from Spider Slacklines and Slack Inov was the webbing on this highline. They have some of the best gear on the market for slacklining. https://spider-slacklines.com/shop/en...
We also interviewed the team at the last world record in Asbestos, Quebec, Canada. https://youtu.be/e4zcUdelz4Q
This was the first slackline project to be sponsored through crowdfunding. We made soft shackles with the dyneema tag line as a gift to them and you can see more about that at https://youtu.be/BWA3BTmkLiE
David Sjöström - (team leader - crossed) https://www.instagram.com/northernlin...
Quirin Herterich (sent - full man) https://www.instagram.com/quirinherte...
Ruben Langer (sent) https://www.instagram.com/ruben_lang_air
Friedi Kühne (sent & BASE) https://www.instagram.com/friedikuehne
Lukas Irmler (sent) https://www.instagram.com/lukasirmler
Grzegorz Hoffmann (crossed) https://www.instagram.com/grze_hoff
Martin Gravdal (crossed) https://www.instagram.com/gravdalmartin
Annalisa Casiraghi (crossed) https://www.instagram.com/_lipsie_t
JoEight Creations https://www.instagram.com/joeight_cre...
Mathias Rohdin https://www.instagram.com/mathiasrohdin
Cesare Mazzocchi https://www.instagram.com/cesaremazzo...
Allez Rombergo https://www.instagram.com/rombergo
Benjamin Brinch https://www.instagram.com/hitch.viking
Annica Lundqvist https://www.instagram.com/jakarandaa
Ryan Jenks https://www.instagram.com/howNOTtoHig...
Behind the Scenes
It was always a mystery to me what the experience was to walk such a big line before I got the chance to stand on one and witness people doing it in real life. I think this type of video can really inspire new highliners stoked on the hope they will get a chance to do this someday.
After Posting Thoughts
This is one of my lowest viewed videos in a long time, but it really puts a nice bow on the sweden project that we invested a lot of time and energy into.
The real gold is seeing the actual project in this video