Iceland Ice Stunts
Here is a teaser trailer of our adventures in Iceland where we highlined, rope jumped, ice climbed. Our 7 episodes coming out about this trip will be about the rope jump rig, how we rigged a highline and got the photo you see in the thumbnail, ice screw break tests, v thread break tests, and a 3 part ice climbing course by certified glacier guides. Very likely to be released in November 2022. You can do (most of) what you saw in this video by the guys from this video: https://icepicjourneys.is/ https://www.stepman.is/ Stephen's guest house (bed & breakfast) in Hofn is http://www.dynjandi.com/en Our team https://www.instagram.com/andrea.nicole.photography/ https://www.instagram.com/betweencontinents/ https://www.instagram.com/icepicjourneys/ https://www.instagram.com/whyistheiceblue/ https://www.instagram.com/acdcrokkarinn/ https://www.instagram.com/asgeirmar/ https://www.instagram.com/stepman/ https://www.instagram.com/prin.skia Behind the Scenes In 2017 I went to Iceland and established 5 new highlines in a week all over the country and you can see those videos if you click the ICELAND filter option on our content page. It is a beautiful country and has some of the easiest access to glaciers anywhere in the world. Mike Reed invited me out to do some glacier rope jumping so I went back in 2022. We had to go in the spring in between the snow filling the moulins (holes created by melting glacier rivers) and the melting of the glacier having too much water flowing in them. This video shows the windy conditions we met trying to rig a short highline to attach our rope jump. Everything takes longer than expected but we did get to rig a rope jump. A rope swing would have made us hit the sides too much but falling is still falling. We also got a chance to learn ice climbing so we tried to set up a triple action photo where we highlined, ice climbed and fire spun in an entrance to an ice cave that had two holes in the ceiling. While we were there, we filmed a 3 part video series to introduce people to ice climbing since we were with very qualified ice guides. We also figured out how to generate 30kN with just pulleys and no tools so we could test ice screws and v threads in real ice. That too was more work than we bargained for but we did it and we were stoked. This video was just the teaser to the group of videos we will make out of this trip. After Posting Thoughts Overwhelming stoked comments! A 3 minute video takes waaaaay longer to edit than a 20 minute if it's timed to music and made to look like a movie trailer. It's really nice to tease and let people know what's coming in this fashion rather than a blah monday update video, but I've also had a bunch of people quite disappointed I'm sitting on ice break test numbers and am not releasing them. It takes time to put together something legible and with enough context one could understand how we even tested it. This is the first time I'm being intentional about posting seasonally relevant content in the season in which it is relevant! Mind blowing! I know! But that has to happen way in advance with my work flow. See one of our highline projects in Iceland
Here is a teaser trailer of our adventures in Iceland where we highlined, rope jumped, ice climbed. Our 7 episodes coming out about this...