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How I rigged a complex 291m highline in Yosemite BY MYSELF in 12 hours

This was a dream of mine for years. Justin Smestad and I helped Jerry Miszewski and Faith Dickey establish this in 2015, I rigged it with Friedi Kuhne, Lukas Irmler and Kyle Lovett in 2018 and now this time I rigged it 100% by myself in 11hrs 59min while I was hanging out with my friends Nick McPherson and Brian Ward. I believe this is the largest line ever rigged completely solo and it’s Yosemite’s longest line currently. I did enough pulling to equal hauling a 120lb haul bag up the entire face of El Capitan because of the Z dragging. I was only able to do this because Emily May hit me up on her way to Yosemite to tell me about their secret project with a Canadian group (Jan blazek Jirka georga Maurie kowalski) and I realized their line would have been up after I’ve been packing for 2 weeks for this and I can’t go later because GGBY and next year the area is closed for road construction. They were super kind enough to wait to rig it until I was done with this project in this video. I rigged it with the intention of rope swinging which went successful and will be in another episode. I did not walk this line because of the time crunch and Emily had a time crunch as well. She did great on it. Crossing it 3x with not that much time left in the day. Here is the story of this line being rigged! Dreams do come true with enough webbing, packing and stoke!


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